The Double Lift

The double lift is a sleight of hand technique in which the magician lifts two cards at once, but makes it appear as only one card.


Things you'll need: A deck of cards

Diving Ketchup

Did you know that you can cause a packet of ketchup to rise and fall on command in a bottle of water? People might even think that you have the ability to move objects with your mind! The truth is that you don’t have the gift of telekinesis. You actually just know a really cool science trick!


Things you'll need: A glass of water, A clear plastic water bottle, A ketchup packet

Instantly Turn Water into Ice

If you were inspired by the movie Frozen and have been wishing you could turn water to ice instantly or build ice sculptures in seconds just like Elsa, you’re in luck!


Things you'll need: Refrigerated Bottled Water, Big Bowl or Container, Rock Salt, Ice, Thermometer

Vanishing Water

In this science magic trick, you cause some water that you have poured into a cup to magically vanish, as if into thin air.


Things you'll need: Sodium Polyacrylate, A non-see-through cup, A container (such as a glass cup to pour water into it)/ A faucet

Anti-Gravity Ring Trick

How do you make an object suddenly appear to defy gravity? We'll show you! No camera tricks, this is just an up-close parlor magic trick!


Things you'll need: A rubberband, A ring (the heavier the better), Scissors

Levitating Cup

Into levitating tricks and is looking to trick your audience? The secret behind this one is incredibly simple.


Things you'll need: A styrofoam cup

Cut And Restore Bill

This is one of the most baffling dollar bill tricks ever! This cool illusion has been performed on a television magic special.


Things you'll need: 2 Identical dollar bills, Baby powder, Rubber cement, scissor