L E V I T A T I N G   C U P


Levitations are visual effects that everyone can immediately understand and you don't have to say a word. Everyone recognizes that objects don't mysteriously float on their own in mid-air.

The magician announces that they are going to make an empty cup float. They release their grip on the cup and it appears to float in mid air.

Materials needed: A styrofoam cup

STEP ONE: Put a Hole Into the Styrofoam Cup

Hold the empty cup with both your hands and facing the others in your party, announce that you are going to try and make the cup float in mid air. Then, carefully make a hole in one side of the empty cup, big enough for your thumb to stick through. If the empty cup is made of styrofoam, you could even push your thumb straight through it.

STEP TWO: Fake the Motion

Aappear to be concentrating your mind on the cup and gradually open up both hands at the same time. While doing this, push your hands slightly forward as if you are following the floating cup and eventually grab the cup with both hands. Now, discreetly slip your thumb out from the side of the cup.

This is a simple illusion but it looks great when done at the right angle. Practice in front of a mirror to make sure that you get the angles and the timing right!