A B O U T   U S

M e e t   t h e   E d i t o r s


J E S S I C A    L I

Hi! I am one of the three co-heads of the House of Tricks. My job was to add a little bit of bedazzle here and there. It took quite a long time to make the final decisions on how the website was actually going to look like. Along with Ashley, we organized the layout of the website and its information.

I am currently a sophmore in Bayside High School. Two years down, two more to go! I sure do feel old now.


A S H L E Y    A L L E N

Hey! I am one of the creators from House of Tricks. My job was to gather all of the information that goes into the website so we can provide only the most informative and fun content to those interested in what we do.

I am currently a junior at Bayside Highschool and I will be graduating in January of 2019! Can’t wait to leave haha.


I N H Y E    J E O N

I am one of the editors of House of Tricks. I was in charge of the script and experiencing Firebase. I took part in writing the neccessary code for the website to run correctly. It was definitely a challenge that I partook in.

I hope you all enjoy our website and put it into good use. There can never be too many tricks, am I right?