C U T   A N D  R E S T O R E  B I L L


This is one of the most baffling dollar bill tricks ever! This cool illusion has been performed on a television magic special. Without any suspicious moves, the magician instantly open both halves to show the notes, restored to their original condition.

Materials needed: 2 Identical dollar bills, Baby powder, Rubber cement, scissor

STEP ONE: Apply the Rubber Cement

Apply two coats of rubber cement onto the center of the dollar bills (wait for the first coat to dry first before applying a second coat). Wait and let it dr for five minutes.

STEP TWO: Apply Baby Powder

Put baby powder onto the dry glue for the glue to be unnoticeable. Applying the powder would also prevent the bills from sticking together. Then, shake your bill to remove all the powder.

STEP THREE: Add Rock Salt

Ask someone to analyze your two dollar bills. There should be nothing special! Place one over the other and ask someone to cut right in the middle. (you should take the bills into a horizontal position). When you separate the bill, and unfold them . . surprise! The bills are restored!

How It Works

When you place the bill face to face, and cut it, the thin layer of rubber cement makes them stick together.