V A N I S H I N G   W A T E R

In this science magic trick, you cause some water that you have poured into a cup to magically vanish, as if into thin air. Interestingly, this is a science magic trick that is based on a scientific principle that you don’t tell spectators about, as opposed to being a demonstration of a scientific concept that appears to be a magic trick.

In this effect, you pour some water into a cup and when you turn the cup over, no water pours out.

Materials needed: Sodium Polyacrylate, A non-see-through cup, A container (such as a glass cup to pour water into it)/ A faucet

Preparing the Sodium Polyacrylate

Before you present the trick and with no one looking, pour approximately one tablespoon of sodium polyacrylate into the bottom of the cup. You will probably want to experiment before performing the trick to test the amount of the compound as well as the volume of liquid that you can pour into the cup and will still effectively "vanish."


Performance Tip

Be sure not to show the inside of the cup before and after the trick.

The Secret

A compound that is known as sodium polyacrylate, which you can purchase at a hardware store, gardening store or nursery, and is sold in a form known as “moisture-saving pellets.” You can also obtain sodium polyacrylate from a disposable baby diaper. Simply tear open a diaper and remove and collect the moisture holding material within. With a quantity of sodium polyacrylate in hand, you will be able to perform the trick.

The Science

TSodium polyacrylate acts like a sponge and absorbs moisture. When mixed with water, the compound actually turns into a solid gel. And once the sodium polyacrylate forms a gel, the water is no longer liquid and can’t pour out.

Technically, the particles in sodium polyacrylate have a property known as being hygroscopic, which means that they absorb and hold water. Of course, this property is the reason why the compound is used in baby diapers to absorb moisture and keep babies dry and comfortable.

STEP ONE: Pour Water Into the Cup

Pour about a quarter cup of water into the cup. In short time, the water will react with the compound and form a solid gel. At this point, you can just offer a bit of patter on how the "magic is working."

STEP TWO: The Big Reveal

Simply turn the cup over and show that the water has apparently vanished.